Following the adoption of the Law on Child Protection, KOMF urges for mobilization

Following the adoption of the Law on Child Protection, KOMF urges for mobilization

28 June 2019

Following the adoption of the Law on Child Protection by the Assembly, the Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection in Kosovo – KOMF conducted a press conference.

As part of the working group for the drafting of the Draft Law on Child Protection, during the last 5 years, KOMF has represented organizations working on child protection and has provided the necessary expertise and support with the aim of drafting an advanced law that protects children’s interests and rights.

After finalizing the Draft Law, KOMF has consistently appealed to the Assembly for its approval. Two days after the extraordinary press conference organized by KOMF in front of the Kosovo Assembly, the latter has adopted the Draft Law on Child Protection.

Through this press conference, KOMF provided the recommendations and actions to be undertaken for the effective implementation of the Law on Child Protection after its entry into force.

KOMF informed the public that at the same time is working to draft a formula for financing social services and creating a specific grant for social services in order to ensure the minimum funding for child protection services. As part of the working group for drafting the funding formula, KOMF will provide the necessary support to present current needs and to allocate an adequate budget for children.

KOMF recommended establishing and implementing the specific grant for social services as soon as possible. Regarding the budget aspect, this grant will support the process of effective implementation of the Law on Child Protection.

KOMF recommended municipalities to draft municipal regulations and strategies on children’s’ rights, in order to be in line with the provisions of the Law on Child Protection and to functionalise municipal coordination mechanisms foreseen by this Law. KOMF has supported the process of drafting regulations and strategies on children’s rights in seven municipalities and therefore provides reference models for all municipalities in Kosovo, offering them an opportunity to replicate the process and draft municipal regulations and strategies on children’s’ rights within their municipalities.

KOMF expressed its willing to support the drafting of by-laws foreseen by the Law on Child Protection.

KOMF will monitor the implementation process of the Law on Child Protection after its entry into force through the Child Protection Index.

The Draft Law on Protection of Children was approved on June 27, by the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo with 76 votes in favor and no counter.

KOMF member organizations:

Asociacioni për Trajnime Sociale, Hulumtime dhe Avokim – ASTRA, Aksioni për Nëna dhe Fëmijë, Balkan Sunfloëers Kosova, Childproof / CIPOF, Education Comes First – ECF, Iniciativa 6, Organizata Rinore Akti – ORA, Organizata për Fëmijët pa Kujdes Prindëror – OFAP, OPFAKOS, Programi për të Drejtat civile – CRP/ K, PL4Y International, Qendra për Arsim e Kosovës – KEC, Qendra e Kujdesit Ditor PEMA, Qendra për Mbrojtjen e viktimave dhe Parandalimin e Trafikimit me Qenie Njerëzore – PVPT, Qendra për Studime te Avancuara – FIT, Qendra Kosovare për Rehabilitimin e të Mbijetuarve të Torturës QKRMT, Save the Children, SOS Fshatrat e Fëmijëve në Kosovë, Shpresa dhe Shtëpi për Fëmijët në Kosovë – SDSF, Shoqata e Të Drejtave Të Pacientëve në Kosovë – Prak Kosovë, Shoqata e Paraplegjikëve dhe e Paralizës së Fëmijëve të Kosovës – HANDIKOS, Terre des hommes, The Ideas Partnership, VoRAE, Ëorld Vision, Public Organization for Local Initiatives and Supports – POLIS, Netëork of Peace Movement – NOPM, SOS Kopshti dhe Nevo Koncepti.

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